Let Travel to Bornholm BECOME part of your vacation


Let us help you on your way

Bornholm is located in the middle of the Baltic Sea, so to get here you need to fly or take a ferry

Traveling to Bornholm can be an experience in itself, so whether you're traveling by air or sea, there are plenty of opportunities for great experiences along the way. However, we recommend that you book your transportation to Bornholm well in advance.



There are three ferry routes to Bornholm across the Baltic Sea. From Køge in Zealand, from Ystad in Sweden or from Saanitz in Germany.

Book your ferry in advance at www.bornholmslinien.dk


If you want to save time, you can fly directly to Bornholm Airport from Copenhagen Airport.

Book your flight in advance at www.bornholmerflyet.dk



No matter how you choose to travel to Bornholm, a vacation filled with unforgettable experiences, great sights, unique nature, wild activities, exciting culture, delicious delicacies and a great atmosphere awaits you everywhere. So sit back and enjoy the ride as you look forward to an unforgettable vacation on Bornholm and at Lyngholt Camping.

We look forward to seeing you at Lyngholt Camping



Lyngholt Camping is the natural path to new adventures
